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martes, 12 de julio de 2016

The human universe: Exploring our place in space

On Earth, we rule the roost: Homo sapiens is the planet’s most intelligent, influential and destructive species. We are so dominant that we are considering naming an entire geological epoch after ourselves, the Anthropocene.
But there’s a whole universe out there. How do we measure up by that cosmic yardstick?
Are we really the only intelligence? What, if anything, does the rest of the universe know about us? Could we, or should we, spread to other planets? What, if anything, will our lasting legacy be?
The human universe: Was the cosmos made for us?

The human universe: Does consciousness create reality?
The human universe: Can we understand everything?

The human universe: Could we destroy the fabric of the cosmos?
The human universe: If aliens exist, do they know we’re here?

The human universe: Could we colonise the stars?
The human universe: Could we engineer the galaxy?

The human universe: Could we become gods?

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