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jueves, 18 de enero de 2018
martes, 16 de enero de 2018
January 16, 2018
“Deep State ” Threatens Shootdown Of US Airliners After Trump’s “15 January” Bombshell Explosion
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) [English] report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the group of CIA-funded Syrian terror leaders flown into Washington D.C.yesterday have in their possession at least 37 FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles just given to them by the CIA under a “secret agreement”—and whose planned use of is a not-too-subtle “Deep State” retaliation threat to begin shooting down US passenger airliners—and is their response to loyal Trump forces exploding their “15 January” bombshell by providing top Republican Party leaders in the US Congress more than 1.2 million documents relating to the crimes committed by the Obama-Clinton regime—with even more expected within the coming days. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
CIA trained Syrian terrorist with shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missile system at King Faisal Air Base, Jordon, on 7 January 2018
According to this report, longtime President Trump advisor and confidante Roger Stone warned earlier this week what the “Deep State ” was doing, and how they, also, were failing by his stating:
“Plan A”—is the imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
“Plan B”—is the plot that involves trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office—that has, likewise, failed.
“Plan C”—is the plot to kill President Trump—but that Trump was able to avoid by his heeding Russia’s warning.
With the “Deep State” failing in their “A-B-C Plans” to destroy President Trump, however, this report continues, during the past 72-hours they initiated their “Plan D”—which is to plunge the entire world into war—and that they hope to accomplish by their shockingly having announced that they are creating a 30,000 strong terrorist army in Syria—thus causing Russia to begin preparing for war, the Syrian army vowing to attack and remove all US forces illegally in its country—and even more gravely, US NATO ally Turkey rapidly moving its armored troops into Syria to attack this CIA “terror army” and whose President Erdogan just warned: “Now, America confessed that it is forming a terrorist army along our borders. It is our duty to choke this terrorist army before it is born.”
Though the US mainstream propaganda media is lying to the American people in telling them the “fake news story” that this CIA “terror army” is being comprised of “friendly terrorists”, this report details, nothing could be further from the truth as its being led by the radical barbaric Islamic ISIS field commanders the “Deep State” had stunningly evacuated from the battlefield before Russian and Syrian forces could obliterate them.
As Turkish President Erdogan further warned that “these 30,000 terrorists armed by the US would be the first to point their weapons at American soldiers when they run into trouble”, and said “it's up to the US to decide if it wants a future with these murderers, but we won't allow this or anything that puts our national security at risk”—this report further notes—he, also, just gave the “Deep State” a final ultimatum by declaring: “Don’t force us to bury in the ground those who are with terrorists.”
Turkish armored forces deploy to Syrian border in preparation to begin attacks on illegal US bases on 16 January 2018
In an unprecedented response to Turkish President Erdogan’s warning, though, this report continues, the “Deep State” has now rushed weapons to their new “terror army” and instructed them to use them against their own NATO ally Turkey—the most feared of them being the FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-craft missiles the CIA has begun arming their “terror army” with due to a “secret deal” made possible by the Obama regime just weeks prior to President Trump taking power—and that Russia had declared was “a hostile move”.
Not even imagined, though, by the SVR as to how “hostile” the “Deep State” arming of these CIA-funded Syrian terrorists with FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-craft missiles actually is, this report grimly details, the full horrors became apparent of this past weekend when, on 13 January, an Air Branch—CIA Special Activities Division (SAD) Lockheed L-100-30 aircraft landed at the CIA’s secretive King Faisal Air Base (in Jordon)—offloaded and transferred to these Syrian terrorists 63 FIM-92 Stinger missiles out of the 100 they had brought from the United States—leaving 37 of them still on the aircraft—and who were joined by, at least, 45 known Syrian terrorists who flew back on this CIA aircraft to Washington D.C.—and who in the days since their arrival, have flooded the “Deep State” corridors of power with pleas for more CIA funding.
Declassified documents PROVE Obama-Clinton regime created ISIS to rampage across Iraq and Syria
The shocking legacy left by the “Deep State” in their staggering $500 million program to train and arm Syrian terrorists, this report details, ended in “a Bay of Pigs-style disaster”—with the head of US Central Command having to admit to the US Congress, in 2015, that this Obama-Clinton scheme had only recruited four or five US friendly terrorists fighting inside Syria, with dozens more killed or captured—and with all of these Obama-Clinton war criminals ignoring the classified CIA study showing that arming rebel factions against sitting governments almost always ends in disaster or tragedy.
In President Trump knowing that, since 1973, more than 40 civilian airliners have been downed by shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles like the FIM-92 Stinger, this report continues, this past July (2017) he cut off all funding for the CIA’s terrorists in Syria—most particularly due to his, likewise, knowing that the “Deep State” would eventually use these weapons against the American people in order to destroy his presidency.
To the evidence produced in this report by the SVR substantiating their fears that “Deep State” is planning to use their Syrian terrorists to shoot down civilian airliners all across America—they document the 29 December 2017 US Federal Register entry wherein President Trump quietly pardoned 5 megabanks of the corruption charges proved against them—all of whom were “brought to their knees” in one of the largest private lawsuits in history that documented their “Deep State” crimes.
With President Trump’s sudden pardoning of these “Deep State” criminal banks standing in stark contrast to one of his most applauded campaign promises—“I’m not going to let Wall Street get away with murder.”—this report says, its only logical explanation can be interpreted as Trump having been forewarned of the coming “Deep State” plot to begin shooting down airliners all across America—and that this action of his in protecting these Obama-Clinton criminal banks may push back—at least for a few weeks.
To the gravest danger facing the American people as the “Deep State” intensifies its attack upon President Trump, this report concludes, is their failing to understand or comprehend that they’re actual combatants in a deadly civil war whose death toll is preparing to jump into the thousands, if not millions—and is why one of that nations most respected anti-war journalists, Justin Raimondo, has just warned:
Our intelligence agencies are at war with the executive branch of government, and they have been ever since Trump triumphed in the Electoral College and decisively defeated Hillary Clinton. The FBI/CIA/Deep State have been trying mightily to reverse the election results since that moment, to no avail.
The two antagonists in the Second American Civil War have been evolving into rival armies with antithetical interests since the 1990s.
The ultimate goal of the NeverTrumpers is to get President Trump out of office, somehow, anyhow, by legal means or extralegal shenanigans. If you think they’re ruled out assassination you’re being naïve.
But why? Why the extreme reaction?
Trump threatened to dismantle their precious “international order,” which had protected so many tyrants and subsidized so many oligarchs. The world according to the Davos crowd – a world of unearned privilege, ruthless arrogance, endless wars, and self-consciously extravagant wealth – was about to give way to the world of Donald Trump: a world of nations, not of “interests,” of sovereign peoples not migratory predators, of wealth earned honestly rather than extorted from hapless passive “consumers.”
In short, the globalist gig was up. And the war goes on to this day. It is the same old eternal conflict, the war of Liberty against Power, the Little Guy against the Oligarchs, the peace party versus the war party – and, yes, God against the Devil Himself.
January 15, 2018
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has authorized the deployment of Russian Navy and Marine Infantry forces to conduct a blitzkrieg [intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory] against the US Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway (MCPP-N)—with these thousands of elite Russiantroops having just completed preparations for this invasion at their Khmelyovka training ground—and that is planned as a preemptive response to Turkish tanks nearing the Syrian border to attack American forces. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
The large deployment of personnel - including engineers and sappers from the Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet - detonated huge bombs during a mock beach landing at the Khmelyovka training ground in Kaliningrad. Pictured: A huge blast at the training site on 10 January 2018.
According to this report, with the American Civil War—“it’s here, it’s real, its now”—now threatening to engulf the entire world in its flames of hatred against President Donald Trump, late last year Norwegian leaders began to question why US Marine forces were suddenly flooding into their country—but whose true purpose for being there was shockingly revealed by US Marine Commanding General Robert Neller—who, during the past fortnight, arrived in Norway and told his forces “there’s a war coming…prepare for a big-ass fight”.
Immediately upon US Marine General Neller issuing his war warning, this report continues, President Putin, likewise, ordered the MoD to began preparing for an invasion of Norway—and whose objective would be to destroy all of the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway storage sites located there—and whose massive arms and war making supplies are intended to sustain a US Marine Expeditionary Brigade in combat for 30 days—and whose only target is Russia.
In her not knowing if President Trump was even aware that her nation was about to be turned into a battleground, this report says, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, on 9 January, rushed to Washington D.C.—and that accelerated fears that the American shadow government “Deep State” was masterminding this war without Trump’s knowledge—and that Trumphimself confirmed during his press conference with Prime Minister Solberg when he was directly asked what US Marine General Neller was doing in making such a proclamation of war—and to which Trump cryptically replied: “Maybe he knows something that I don’t know.”
To what the “Deep State” aligned American military and intelligence forces “know” that President Trump doesn’t, this report explains, is their just outrageously announced plan to create a 30,000 strong terrorist army in Syria to split that nation in two—that the Syrian government has announced, correctly, is a grave violation of international law—Russia is preparing countermeasures against—and, most dangerously, now has Turkey warning the US that “it’s playing with fire”.
The “fire” the “Deep State” is playing with in Syria, this report details, is Turkey’s coming attack against this new US terrorist army—that Turkish President Erdogan warns is coming within days—but that Turkish military forces have already begun the actions of by shelling US-supported terror bases in Syria and moving massive numbers of tanks to the border in preparation for invasion.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on 15 January 2018, accuses Washington of establishing an “army of terror” along the Turkish border, as his country drew closer to open confrontation with US-backed Kurdish troops in neighboring Syria .
Should “Deep State” aligned US military and/or intelligence attempt to strike out against Turkey—who is their own NATO ally—this report continues, Russian military forces would have no choice but to rapidly respond to defend their Turkish allies—which, in turn, would give these “Deep State” monsters the “big ass war” they so desperately need.
As to why the “Deep State” so desperately needs war, this report explains, is due to President Trump’s coming victory against them—with loyal Trump forces now moving swiftly in their having obtained the first the first charges brought against Hillary Clinton allies involved in the Uranium One scandal—and even more shocking, Saudi Arabia just having put billionaire Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal in their nations highest security prison over his failure to turn over his bank records—who is the Clinton’s main money launder—and whose arrest, with other of his corrupt Saudi princes, rocked the Obama-Clinton regime to its core.
With President Putin further ordering the MoD to begin probing NATO defences by flying supersonic nuclear armed bombers towards US bases located in the United Kingdom, this report concludes, the American people, as always, are having kept from them how close to war the entire world actually is by their “Deep State” aligned mainstream propaganda media—and who, instead, are continuing their non-stop attacks against President Trump to the point of insanity—with their latest hysterical claim being comparing Trump to the late Soviet communist dictator-madman Joseph Stalin—whom Trump could only ever achieve historical parity with by killing up to 60 million of his own citizens like Stalin did—but to date hasn’t shown the slightest inclination of doing so.
viernes, 12 de enero de 2018
martes, 9 de enero de 2018
domingo, 7 de enero de 2018
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